
The Antique Ship's Bells website is part of the Clipper Maritime Antiques group.

We have been specialising in maritime antiques and nautical collectables for over 25 years,

we have several specific maritime websites:

Clipper maritime antiques - www.clipper-maritime-antiques.com / www.maritime-antiques.co.uk

Antique diving helmets - www.antique-diving-helmets.co.uk

Antique ship's bells - www.antique-ships-bells.co.uk

Antique ship in a bottle - www.antique-ship-in-a-bottle.co.uk

Antique sextants - www.antique-sextant.co.uk

email: robin.langford@btinternet.com

Mobile: 07977116608

Tel: 01736 794383

We are based in St.Ives, Cornwall